Detailed description of the civet analysis pipeline
-i / --input
), either csv, yaml/yml or a string of IDS (or else a -fm
search pattern).--no-temp
, set temporary directory to the output directory--CLIMB
, check path to civet directory exists, which verifies the user is on CLIMB--datadir
is specified and the --remote
flag is not used, check if it has the appropriate files--datadir
not given, default to look for a directory called ‘civet-cat’ in the current working directory--remote
has been specified, rsync data from CLIMB
If rsync fails exit with informative error--remote
alongside -uun
(default: central_sample_id)input_column
(default: name)--min-length
(Default: 10,000)--max-ambiguity
content (Default: 0.5)-sc / --sequencing-centre
specified, check it’s a valid centre name and find the appropriate header for the report. If not a real sequencing centre, exit and display valid names--up-distance
and --down-distance
, if either are not specified, use --distance
(default: 2)--collapse-threshold
, print shell commands set to True, quiet mode off and custom logger disabled--launch-browser
, launch grip at end of report generation--threads
added for number of parallel jobs to run--generate-config
, dump these config options to a file and exitPassing through the configuration dictionary and setting the working directory to the temporary directory (if --no-temp
, this inherits the output directory).
Check against the COG-UK phylogenetics database for your query id, will check search field, which by default is central_sample_id
, this finds all sequences that will already be in the big tree. Use data_column
to configure a custom search field.
If you have supplied an additional fasta file with sequences that haven’t yet been uploaded to the COG-UK database, this side pipeline finds the closest matching sequence. This workflow returns a csv of the closest hits within the background phylogeny for each query not already in the tree. This information gets added to the report. It also returns the input query sequences aligned, with the UTRs masked out.
1) non_cog_minimap2_to_reference
Map the query fasta file containing sequences from CLIMB that didn’t meet the phylogenetic cut offs and sequences from the input fasta file against the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference sequence (Genbank ID: MN908947.3). This mapping runs minimap2
with the present option asm5
that is configured for mapping a long, closely related assembly against a reference.
2) non_cog_remove_insertions_and_trim_and_pad
This step runs the datafunk
command sam_2_fasta
, which parses the cigar strings produced by minimap2
and scaffolds the query sequence against the reference by removing insertions relative to the reference. The insertions are logged in a text file for reference, and can be retrieved by running civet
with the --no-temp
flag. This step also masks the UTR regions with N’s as the terminal ends of the genome.
3) gofasta
The padded, mapped set of query sequences then get compared against all COG-UK and all GISAID, and finds the top hit within the database for each query.
4) parse_closest
The output is parsed and the relevant COG-UK metadata and fasta sequences are pulled out of the big database.
Metadata from the closest COG sequence is combined with the metadata found directly within the database.
Using the names of the closest COG sequences and of the sequences already in the tree, jclusterfunk pulls out local trees with a radius of --distance
number of nodes are pulled out of the large global tree. Optionally, --up-distance
and --down-distance
can be used to pull out more parent or more child nodes.
Another sub-workflow that gets spawned off with the set of catchment trees produced from the prune_out_catchments rule. In brief there are two alternative snakefiles can can be called at this step depending on whether new sequences need to be added into the tree or not. The output of this step is a directory of “local_trees” that have the nodes we have not queried collapsed to the nearest polytomy, with an output summary file of the tips that had been in that sub-tree prior to collapse.
Either run: 1) just_collapse_trees.smk if no new sequences need to be added to the phylogeny. or 2) process_collapsed_trees.smk if new trees need to be estimated with query sequences added in.
1) summarise_polytomies
clusterfunk focus
is run, which collapses and summarises non-query or non-closest sequences to the parent polytomy and outputs a summary file of the tips that make up the collapsed node.
2) remove_str_for_baltic Processes the tip names to make them readable for the baltic tree parser.
3) to_nexus Converts each tree from newick to nexus format.
4) summarise_processing Combines all the information about collapsed tips into a single file.
1) get_basal_representative For each catchment tree, identify basal tip that can be used as to represent a subtree during the iqtree tree building step
2) get_basal_seq Extract the basal sequences from the background_seqs file
3) combine_basal Combine these sequences into a single file
4) protect_subtree_nodes
Define the set of nodes that will need to be protected from collapse.
These include
- Any tip matching the name of a local tree
- Any tip that matched the criteria given with --protect
- Any query that matched the criteria given with --from-metadata
- Any query sequence given in the input.csv query file or given as an ID string
5) summarise_polytomies
clusterfunk focus
is run, which collapses and summarises non-query or non-closest sequences to the parent polytomy and outputs a summary file of the tips that make up the collapsed node.
6) get_collapsed_representative For each collapsed node, the sequences of the tips that comprise that collapsed node are pulled out of the global alignment and a basal sequence is selected to represent that node in the phylogeny.
7) extract_taxa All taxon labels are extracted from the collapsed phylogeny.
8) gather_fasta_seqs Each tip in the tree gets matched either to its own sequence or a representative sequence (if a collapsed node). An outgroup sequence is also added to the set of sequences. Any sequences from the input fasta file for that tree are also added to the alignment.
9) hash_for_iqtree
A hash for taxon labels is created for the input to iqtree
so it doesn’t corrupt the sequence names.
10) hash_tax_labels
clusterfunk relabel_tips
is run that relabels the tips of the tree with the taxon hash.
11) iqtree_catchment
is run on the new alignment with added sequences, with -m HKY
and -au
12) restore_tip_names
The hashed tip names are restored with the same clusterfunk relabel_tips
13) prune_outgroup outgroup sequence is removed from the tree, whose root was scaffolded by the outgroup
14) remove_str_for_baltic Processes the tip names to make them readable for the baltic tree parser.
15) to_nexus Converts each tree from newick to nexus format.
16) summarise_processing Combines all the information about collapsed tips into a single file.
A side pipeline that runs snipit
on your set of query sequences, producing a figure that summarises all the snps relative to the reference sequence. Turn these figures off with --no-snipit
. These figures also automatically don’t get generated if -fm / --from-metadata
is specified.
A side pipeline that will render maps summarising the variation in the local area surrounding your query sequences of interest.
Render the figures showing local maps
Parses metadata CSVs and any input csv provided, along with tree files generated previously. There are a number of different options for figures, some of which must be specified when calling CIVET.
The report broadly consists of:
There also a number of optional figures, including different SNP data tables, maps and bar charts describing collpased nodes.
For information on these optional figures and how to configure the core report, see the report documentation and map documentation files.
Converts md to an html file and optionally launches the report in a browser window with --launch-browser